So far we have tabbed app with 3 tabs, 2 of which support navigation. Here we are going to make use of MvvmZero to navigate to a DetailPage
We're going to make use of CommandZero for our ICommand implementation, but feel free to use your own if you have a favourite.
We'll start by adding an ICommand to the SteadyPageVm that pushes a DetailPageVm onto the stack.
Replace your SteadyPageVm with the following:
using FunctionZero.CommandZero;
using FunctionZero.Maui.MvvmZero;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace MvvmZeroTutorial.Mvvm.PageViewModels
public class SteadyPageVm : BasePageVm
private readonly IPageServiceZero _pageService;
public ICommand PushDetailPageCommand { get; }
public SteadyPageVm(IPageServiceZero pageService)
_pageService = pageService;
PushDetailPageCommand = new CommandBuilder()
.SetName("Push Detail Page")
private async Task PushDetailPageExecuteAsync()
// Push a page and initialise it with something.
await _pageService.PushVmAsync<DetailPageVm>(vm => vm.Init("Initialise message from SteadyPageVm"));
This is standard MVVM and should be self explanatory.
In the above code we've chosen to call the Init method on our DetailsPageVmeach timewe push it, so now we'll add the Init method to the DetailPageVm, like this:
namespace MvvmZeroTutorial.Mvvm.PageViewModels
public class DetailPageVm : BasePageVm
private string _helloMessage;
public string HelloMessage { get => _helloMessage;set=>SetProperty(ref _helloMessage, value); }
internal void Init(string helloMessage)
HelloMessage = helloMessage;
Now we'll add a Button to our SteadyPage and bind it to our new ICommand
Replace the content of SteadyPage.xaml with the following:
Also, we can add a Label to the DetailPage.xaml that displays the Init message passed in when the PageViewModel was pushed. Modify DetailPage.xaml like this: